My good buddy Matt Duling.
OK... In case you don't know what I'm talking
check this out. A few days ago I noticed that someone have stumbled upon my blog. Turns out it was the one and only Matt Duling. I had my suspicions that Matt was the one who had been the first reader. Firstly I got the hit shortly after I posted a link to my blog on His blog,
The Yearly Duling. Secondly the only other place I had announced my new blog was over at
Chris' Corner. My stats stated that the visitor was using Chrome, and i don't think Chris is nerdy enough to use chrome.

Matt is probably my oldest friend. I mean oldest chronologically, not age wise. I met Matt the same place I met many of my closest friends, volunteering at Camp Calvin Crest. I was a freshman in high school, and he was the counselor in charge of training me. ( I guess that means he is kinda old too). Having Matt be the first reader is great, I couldn't think of anyone I would rater have as this milestone reader.

If Matt is my oldest friend, then he married my second oldest. I have known Alicia just about as long as I have known Matt. Unfortunately for everyone here in Nebraska, Alicia is a smarty pants. You see Alicia works in a secret lab where she plays checkers with aliens, and feeds the dinosaurs. Although I have probably said too much already, the ninjas haven't taken me away yet, so i will carry on. Since the secret lab is probably under the ocean or in Canada, Matt and Alicia had to move to New York. I can tell you that they are both missed.
The photos in this post are all from Matt and Alicia's first trip back to Nebraska after moving. They came back for my wedding. Matt was my best man, he is that cool of a guy. It was a great weekend, and one that I will remember forever.
So there you have it, my good friend, my best man, and my first reader. Matt.
Nice are correct I am not currently, nor have I ever used Chrome.