She wants to be with me, as much as I want to be with her. I wouldn't say I am the easiest person in the world to live with. I can be stubborn, when it comes to arguments, I am known to come up with some awfully crazy Ideas, and I take up as much closet space for my board games, as I do for clothes. Taking all my quirks into account, when I found someone who still wanted to be with me, I knew what I had to do... As Beyonce puts it, If you like it then you better put a ring on it.
She laughs at my jokes. I know this is a no brainer, because I'm such an entertaining guy, but her laugh makes me feel like the luckiest man on earth.
She is drop dead gorgeous. I know it is kinda of shallow, but can you blame me? I mean take a look at her. She is a beautiful woman, and I am lucky enough to have that face be the last thing I see before i fall asleep and the first thing i see in the morning.
She puts up with my shenanigans. As stated before I have had my share of hair brain ideas, and as stupid as they usually are, Ashli tends to allow me to pursue the ones I want to. Maybe she is just gullible, or maybe I am just good at convincing her that my plans are good, but I think the truth is that she believes in me, and for that I couldn't love her more.
Ashli really is a goofball at heart. I bet many of you wouldn't believe this, because she is usually such a reserved person. I can tell you though that she is a nut, and once you crack her she can be a crazy woman. I'm not trying to say that i like crazy women, but rather that what I love about Ashli is that I get to know her on so many levels that others barely see.
She is one smart cookie. I am amazed by how smart she is. Ashli made it through college in 80% of the time it took me, and she always passed all her classes, which is more than i can say. she knows just about everything there is to know about children, and in a Harry Potter trivia contest I can't think of a better partner. She is a very bright lady, and I love her brain just as much as the cute face in front of it.
Here's a few more one liners
I absolutely LOVE...
- The Sound of Her Laugh
- The Way She Wrinkels Her Nose
- Her Sexy Legs
- When She Tries to do Something New
- The Sound of her Singing While She Works
- How Amazing she Looks When she Dresses Up
- How Cute she Looks When She Dresses Down
- The Look on Her Face When She Gets Flowers
- The Feel of Her Cuddled Up Next to Me While We Watch TV
- Coming Home and Finding Her Sleeping
- When She Does Things For Me That I Would Never Expect
- Playing Video Games With Her
- Watching Her Explore Hogsmeade For Her Birthday
- Watching her Read
- Finding her Asleep in Bed, with Her Book Still in Hand
- Knowing She Will Always Be There For Me
- Knowing that I will Always Be There For Her
- Anything that Makes Her Feel Special.
Although this list doesn't do justice to the love I have for Ashli, I have poured my heart into it. I hope that everyone who is reading this has someone like Ashli in their lives, because a live without Ashli just wouldn't be much of a life to me. So... before you click on to another web page to waste a few minutes, find the Ashli in your life and tell them what they mean to you. Happy Valentines Day to the Girl of my Dreams...
Thanks for the wonderful Valentine's Day! I love you!